Why Communicating With Your Animals Is Important

Photo by Carmen Lara

This article follows the piece I wrote about why listening to your animals is important. So if you haven't read that, I suggest you read that first. 

As I mentioned before, a mission of mine is to bring humanity and animals together. With the work that I do with animals and people, I often find myself teaching humans how to deepen their connection with their animals. Communicating with your animals is important to establish connection with them on another level. You see, animals are divine beings like ourselves. They, too, have thoughts, feelings, and emotions. We are all in this ride called life, having experiences and helping one another out. 

Wouldn’t it be nice that by communicating with our animals, this could help alleviate anxiety they might typically have when we leave them home for any period of time?

Animals communicate telepathically, as do humans; however, most of us don’t realize we are doing it. It can take some time to practice this way of communicating, almost like strengthening a muscle that hasn’t been used in a long time. Or even learning a new language. But just beginning with the simple steps I provide today and using them from now on with intentional practice, you will notice a positive shift that will happen between you and your animal.

  • Make sure when you are connecting with your animal that you are grounded and centered to ensure a loving connection. Animals are very in tune with our energies. 

  • Imagine any colored cord connecting from your heart to the animal's heart and set the intention of what you speak, send in thoughts and images, or feelings, that they are from your heart to theirs.

  • Extra tip: communicate everything. E.g., when you are leaving the house and what time you plan to return, when you expect to have company when you plan a trip, and details of what will happen with the animal during that time, etc.

It isn’t always a one-way conversation like we might think when speaking with our animals. So, pay attention to your thoughts, feelings, and what you're seeing not only with the animal but in your mind. Sound familiar? Yes, these are the listening tools I spoke of in the first article. 

If you want to learn even more about animal communication, you can schedule a session with me, and I’d love to work with you and your animal and support your connection. 

I also recommend reading my favorite book on the topic by Carol Gurney, The Language of Animals: 7 Steps to Communicating With Animals.


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