
  • More stories

    “Our dog Luna is an 8 year old doberman. One morning earlier in the year, I found her disoriented on her bed and with a scared look on her face. When I called her she tried to get up but fell over. We had the impression that the issue was neurological, so we immediately brought her to the vet. They ran all kinds of tests just to tell us that dobermans are prone to these kinds of neurological issues and that 8 years old is a common age for the onset. They sent us home with some prescription meds and with a referral to a neurologist that was going to cost thousands of dollars from the get-go. We gave Luna the medication for several days, until we started seeing her drooling uncontrollably and with a lost look in her face. She could walk, but was falling hard frequently, and was dragging her left paws. It was then that we figured she'd had a stroke. I contacted Carmen because I am a firm believer in energy healing. She worked on Luna remotely in the morning, and by the afternoon I had a comprehensive review of her findings.

    The next morning Luna woke up chipper, moving more freely and wanting to fetch again. It was an overnight 180 degree turn, truly a miracle. Luna is currently doing well and is fetching and running as she used to. We can see a minor leftover effect on the left side of her body, but she is living a happy life.

    Carmen recently did a second session on Luna as a follow-up, and we are so very grateful to have her expertise and support. We are clear that the vet was unable to do what Carmen accomplished. I am a fan of her work, and I highly recommend her services.”

    — Carol M.

  • From people like you

    “Carmen and I had arranged a session over distance since I live in Munich Germany. It was in the evening and my sleeping time when she began with her energy work. So I quickly fell asleep. It seemed like a deep sleep, however interestingly, an hour after her work, I woke up and felt very relaxed and vital.

    I suffer from stress-related psychosomatic problems. During acute phases I find it hard to help myself to calm down. After Carmen’s healing session I connected more easily to my inner self und core strength. I also felt more grounded. This helped me to realize when to take breaks and to see the origins of my symptoms. Altogether my mind and body are more relaxed now. And I manage to deal with everyday life much more easily.

    Carmen sent me a detailed description of what she had felt und what she had done during the treatment. It also included some helpful advice for me. I can now focus on these points (for example blocked chakras) on my way to recover from my illness and gain the strength to reduce my stress level and reorganize my life.

    I will definitely book another appointment with Carmen! Thank you! “

    -Kathrin H. Munich Germany