Why Listening to Your Animals is Important

Have you ever heard the saying, “We are spiritual beings having a human experience”? Well the same goes for animals! Animals are spiritual beings having an animal experience. Sometimes as humans we don’t have this thought at the forefront of our mind. We have forgotten and often dismiss the fact that our animals are divine beings like us with incredible knowledge, wisdom, love and connection to all that is, even more than we know. 

Human and animal relationships are vast. There are so many different kinds. What I'm sure most of us can agree on is that there is a powerful love that is shared between a human and their beloved animal. 

A mission of mine is to bring humanity and animals together. With the work that I do with animals and people,  I find myself teaching humans how to deepen their connection with their animals. 

You may ask, “How can this relationship get better, deeper?”  Communication. Communication includes both speaking and more importantly, listening. Listening can be with your ears, eyes, and intuition.

Why is it important to listen? Animals have so much more to share besides their unconditional love. 

They are often mirroring us and giving us information in that way, letting us know when we are off balance and need to get grounded and centered. They are reminding us when to take breaks from our screens or work to get up and stretch or take a walk…basically self-care. You see, there is a purpose for each of our roles in our relationship which is helpful for one another. Here are some tips on how to tune in and listen to your animal:

  • Make sure you are grounded and centered. This brings you to a calm and present state.

  • Make time in your day to connect with your animal by talking to, walking, cuddling, sitting and/or playing.

     As you practice listening, pay attention to your thoughts and images that come across your mind.  Notice the feelings in your body when with your animal. It could very well be your animal telepathically communicating with you. 

Next article I'll touch on the speaking piece of connecting with your animal!


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